7215 Zimpel St.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

I kind of have the feeling that this blog was supposed to be more for NOLA stories rather than Chapel house love letters (sorry)

Oh Zannie, I love you. I kind of have a feeling that the only ones who are actually checking this is us outsiders and Maggie cuz she's a nerd and maybe Sam cuz he made it. Sorry to hear that going home has been so frustrating. It hasn't been so bad for me yet. It helps that I don't have to work. And I think Albuquerque has enough of its own quirks that I haven't noticed the stark differences in functionality yet. I found a scorpion in our house last night (way scarier than cockroaches or rats), there is a huge water filled pothole in front of my house (it's a dirt road so there's some excuse) and we just got a notification saying that we will be only allowed to water our lawn on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays (We have rocks in our lawn instead of grass, so that won't be an issue). I also got pulled over for the first time today, but that's a different issue (60 in a 40 = a warning, sweet!).

I still miss New Orleans and all the Chapel house kids though, but I've already convinced my parents that I need to come back winter break, so I'll see y'all again sort of soon.


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